Ruger Single Action Grip Fitting Guide

Knowing what grips you need for a Ruger single action can be difficult. Ruger has 5 single action grip frames currently in production, all Ruger single action guns use one of these 5 grip frames. 

Just because your gun is labeled as a New Vaquero, Blackhawk, Super Blackhawk, Wrangler or any of the other Ruger single actions doesn't necessarily mean that you will need the grips we have listed as New Vaquero or Blackhawk etc. (yes, it’s confusing). These guns come stock from the factory with several different grip frames, for example the New Vaquero comes stock with one of 4 different grips frames, none of which are marked or labeled in any disguising way. 

All Ruger single action frames vary a little within each type. These are rough cast parts that are then hand finished from the Ruger factory. This means that there is no such thing as a guaranteed perfect fit when it comes to Ruger single action grips. Some minor fitting might be needed.

The following video should help you know what grips you need for your Ruger.