--Rosewood Spartan Grips Compatible/Replacement for Browning 1911-22 1911-380 Grips


These Grips are manufactured, custom, by LS Grips at our warehouse. They are not a Browning branded or Browning authorized aftermarket or replacement grip. LS Grips is not an authorized supplier of aftermarket or replacement parts for Browning Firearms. LS Grips is not associated or affiliated with "Browning Firearms" in any way.

 NOT REAL ROSEWOOD. Dyed and Stained for a "Rosewood" finish. Laser engraved with 3D texture and very fine detail. I also do custom engraving with your name, logo, initials, or anything you want, possibilities are endless.

Custom Browning 1911 22/380 grips are also available. Please contact us via our Contact page if you have any questions or would like to place a custom order.